I don’t have a whole lot new to report today, dear blog readers. Honestly, I’ve been kind of a lazy guy today, just hanging around the house. I did get a few projects done, including taking care of the leaky sink in our upstairs bathroom. For a long time, we kept the door closed because the occasional drip could get annoying when you’re trying to sleep, but I finally made it a priority to get it done, which is good. Nicole was pleased, of course.

Other than that, I bummed around on the computer a little bit. I enjoy playing blackjack online from time to relax, so I did that for awhile and even won a little money. I checked my e-mail and chatted with a friend from high school on Facebook. After that, it was all the inactivity I could stand, so I went for a little jog.

Nicole has been saying we should get a dog, because she says the house is kind of boring when I’m working weird hours selling cars or out hanging with my friends. I’m kind of torn on the whole thing. I wonder if it’s a case of her wanting kids but not being ready to take that particular plunge, so “settling” for a dog? The thing is, it’s a pain if you need to go out of town on a trip or something, because you have to have someone come feed the dog or let it outside, and so forth.

Anyway, I suppose we’ll see how it works out. I wouldn’t mind having a dog, even though I never had one growing up, so the whole concept is kind of alien to me. I can see the appeal, I suppose, but I think some people are “pet people” and some aren’t. I’m kind of in the middle when it comes to them.